Tuesday, August 17, 2010

NOS Loaded Cherry

Reading around I got word that NOS had a new flavor that was recently released.  I was able to get one to try so here is the review for NOS Loaded Cherry for your reading pleasure.

The Look:  NOS should stick with the bottles instead of the cans.  The bottles have a very nice look to them and the cap really sets it off.  The cans just look kind of plain to me.  This one is done in a red can to represent the cherry flavor and they have the word NOS in huge letters going vertically up the can.
(6.5 out of 10)

Taste:  NOS Loaded Cherry has a very nice cherry flavor to it.  The flavor reminds me of a less carbonated Cherry Diet Dr Pepper.  The flavor is a bit sweet but it works quite well.  This is definitely one of the better cherry flavored energy drinks I have had.
(8 out of 10)

Does It Work: Each can has a nice 260 mg of caffeine, 56 g of sugar, taurine, a few B vitamins, and a few other ingredients.  Just like the other NOS drinks this thing left me super amped up.  The flavor was so tasty I drank this down in about 15 minutes and I became awake very quickly.  I got a nice 3 hour + buzz from it but unfortunately that buzz was brought to an end by a crash that sucked pretty badly.  The buzz was fantastic while it lasted though.
(8 out of 10)

Overall Thoughts:  This is a great new drink by NOS.  If you are fan of cherry flavored drinks then this is a must.  This drink will have you going "balls to the wall" but then it will slam you head first into that wall afterwards.  

Official Website: http://www.drinknos.com/


Katie said...

Okay now I wish I had this. I love the taste of cherry!

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