Nothing more fun that going back to work after a 3 day holiday weekend. I knew I would be dragging ass so I threw a Go Fast in the 'fridge for in the morning. Let's see if Go Fast Z17 helped get me going this morning.
The Look: Z17 comes in a mostly black and gold can. In a white font they have the brand name, "Go Fast" along with a list of some of the key ingredients underneath it. The slogan is also pretty good for the drink: "Stronger For Longer". The whole can ties together very nicely and is a pleasure to look at.
(8 out of 10)
Taste: I had no idea what to expect from a drink called Z17. Even after drinking it I am still not sure how to properly describe it but I will do my best. Go Fast Z17 starts off with a strawberry taste hid within a citrus and honey base. Mixed in with all there there is also a bit of a traditional energy drink flavor lost inside. The flavor is very original and the carbonation compliments it all very well. Great job Go Fast!
(8.5 out of 10)
Does It Work: Like I mentioned earlier I was completely drained from the holiday weekend and my motivation was no where to be found. About halfway through the can I started to slowly wake up and I was no starting to become motivated. Once I finished the second half of the can i was ready to take on my Tuesday morning full force. Inside each can of Z17 there is 160 mg of caffeine, 2000 of taurine, ginseng, ginko, inositol, some B vitamins, 240 calories, and 56 g of sugar. I was able to keep going for over 4 hours with a great amount of energy.
(8.5 out of 10)
Overall Thoughts: The taste of this was very unique and I could easily recommend this drink based on the flavor alone. Luckily Go Fast also threw in a great kick to compliment the awesome taste. If you run across one of these ahead and buy one because it easily earns the Caffeine A Holic seal of approval.
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