Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Favorite Energy Drink

When I did the Caffeineaholic.net awards for 2010, all the winners were chosen by Caffeineaholic.net.  Now I want to hear from all the great readers of the site.  What is your favorite energy drink? 
In the right side bar, you will notice there is now a poll for you to choose your favorite energy drink.  This is your chance to let your opinion be heard and to vote your favorite drink to the top. 
When the winner is revealed, I will be holding a contest that includes the top 3 drinks chosen as well as some random goodies. 


Avery said...

Nice one, bro.

Max Georges said...

My favorite energy drink is Rip It, so I voted for other.

Scott Davies said...

Mine is of course Tweak Extreme so I voted other also.

Katie said...

It's sad how many people are voting for the big names.

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