Thursday, August 12, 2010


This belong to you?
I had a request a while back to review Bawls but unfortunately I could not find any place that still carried them around here.  Luckily yesterday I was able to grab one so here is the overdue review of Bawls.  Unless you have been living under a rock (see picture to the left) then you have probably tried Bawls yourself or at least heard of it.  Before there were energy drinks Bawls was one of the few tasty ways to get large amount of caffeine (beside Jolt and Mt Dew).  For gamers Bawls has a huge reputation and will instantly earn you some extra geek points when attending a LAN party (do they still have those anymore?) or any other video gaming event.

The Look:  Bawls comes in a bottle that you will not mistake with anything else.  The bottle is done in a blue glass with these little bumps all over the bottle.   There is very little on the entire bottle but yet the little bit of writing tells you pretty much everything you need to know (minus the caffeine content).  The lettering is all done in white and it stands out beautifully on the blue glass.
(10 out of 10)

Taste:  Bawls is extremely refreshing.  The flavor is a very light citrus with a bit of carbonation behind it.  For all the sugar inside the drink manages to not be overly sweet.  I have many times before consumed 6 or 7 of these in a night playing World of Warcraft, Diablo, Quake (Team Fortress), and many other games.
(9.5 out of 10)

Does It Work:  Each Bawls is powered by guarana as its source of caffeine (64 mg) and sugar (32g).  One of these won't really do a bunch to you but if you drink them one after another (as many gamers tend to) then you can quickly rack up the caffeine.  Be warned after your gaming session is over you will probably end up crashing pretty hard from the massive amount of sugar.  Still that crash is easily worth it when you are amped up on caffeine and you just managed to take down the boss in whatever raid is happening that night.
(5 out of 10) This score is for one bottle, most people don't have just one

Overall Thoughts:  Even with all the energy drinks on the market there is just something about Bawls that keeps it so popular.  The kick is pretty weak compared to many of today's drinks but that doesn't stop gamers from having cases of these stockpiled.  Everything from the packaging to the great taste easily puts Bawls in my list of favorite caffeinated products.  What are your thoughts on Bawls? Let me know.

Official Website:


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