Thursday, September 2, 2010

Launch Energy Gum

Energy gums are starting to show up everywhere.  All the companies want to get in on the action but the problem is a bunch of them don't stand out and separate themselves from the pack.  ..But then in steps Launch Energy Gum, with one of the most unique packages I have seen in the energy gum market.

The Look:  Launch comes in a container that is made to look like a mini energy drink. There is quite a bit of detail in the can from the concave bottom to the nutritional information on the back resembling that of an energy drink.  The can is definitely something to keep after you are done with all 9 pieces of gum.  My only gripe about the entire package is that the caffeine is not listed but rather they say "one can of Launch contains the caffeine energy of around 7 energy drinks."  My problem with this statement is that energy drinks vary greatly in terms of caffeine.  I mean what if it equaled 7 cans of Spike Shooter?  Or only 7 cans of Red Bull?  There is a huge difference between the two.  With that gripe aside I still really like the packaging and it is the best I have seen so far for an energy gum.
(9.5 out of 10)

Taste:  The flavor is listed as spearmint and it taste just like spearmint gum.  There was no aftertaste in the gum and it kept the flavor for a decent amount of time.
(8 out of 10)

Does It Work:  The serving size is listed as 2 pieces so that is what I tried out.  After chewing on 2 pieces for a bit I got a gradual increase in energy that lasted 2-3 hours before it slowly started to go away.  This isn't the strongest gum I have had in terms of kick but it gets the job done fairly well.  Along with the caffeine inside Launch you also get rather small amounts of vitamins B2, B3, B6, and B12.
(7.5 out of 10)

Overall Thoughts:  Launch energy gum is definitely one of the cooler packages I have seen.  In terms of flavor and kick nothing new is brought to the table but both categories still scored well.  If you are looking for an energy gum then Launch is worth checking out.

Official Site:

Where To Buy:


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